måndag 11 oktober 2010

Apple dumplings/doughnuts

Sorry for the bad iphone pictures, it's all I have.

Yesterday I made Apple dumplinings/doughnuts, don't really know what there called in English, ah well, Äppelmunkar in Swedish.
I didn't like the recipe, and I didn't like the outcome, so I won't write it down.
To bad for you, or not really at all.
But tomorrow I'll write down a sourdough recipe, with day to day pictures!
Something I always wanted, especially the first time I tried to make some.
And of course the explanation behind what it really means to feed your sourdough.
Sure everyone says you have to do it, if you don't just freeze it, but I'll never gotten an explanation on how it's really done, until now!
So sit tight till tomorrow, and I think that on Wednesday I'll make bisques.
Yum yum!

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